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There are some products that I use regularly in my classes and I am happy to share here with you the links to some of my highly rated Pilates products, simply click the image to go straight to the relevant Amazon page.

Products we love to share

Little Mat.jpg


This small mat can provide some additional padding to knees, tailbone or hips.


Prickle balls

These balls are used to release any trigger points and general myofascial release. 


Pilates Mat

A Pilates mat thin enough to balance on, but padded enough to be comfortable.


0.5kg weighted balls

Weights with a more ergonomic shape so you are not required to grip uncomfortably.


Squishy ball

The squishy ball is used to challenge your balance in certain exercises or it can be used as a neck support.


1kg weighted balls

Weights with a more ergonomic shape so you are not required to grip uncomfortably.

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